Friday, January 1, 2010

Super (down)Size 2010!

So I decided that instead of New Year's Resolutions for 2010 I am going to have two major goals.  I like to aim for goals.  A resolution always gets lost in my mind.

1)  Taking care of ME.  Of course God and my family come first but after that I am and going to focus on myself.  I need to learn how to say "no" and not take so much on.  I need to not stress myself out and run around like a crazy person.  I need to actually do my hair once and a while instead of just throwing it in a ponytail or running out of the house with it soaking wet.  I need to rid myself of some of the chaos and stress in my life that is unnecessary.  This of course is minor stuff, but nonetheless, a goal.

2)  The larger of the two goals is to DOWNSIZE!  I need to downsize in so many areas of my life.  As always, there is the goal to downsize the pant size. In addition to that traditional goal, I have a goal to downsize in other areas of my life.  I want to downsize the amount of unnecessary money we spend on silly things.  (I say "we" but we all know that we mean "me".)  This means fewer trips to Target.  That place always gets me in trouble.  I want to downsize the amount of items in our tiny little townhouse.  I started in the kitchen already and went through some of the cupboards and the pantry.  I plan to start tomorrow with my closet.

You can see here, that I can't even walk in our closet.  Three fourths of what you see in this picture is mine.  And yes, I have shoes that fill all of those shoe cubbies...they just are not properly put away.

And how many pairs of pants does a little boy need?  Yes, those are all pants that currently fit Gus.  YIKES!!

So we will see how it goes in 2010...but so far, I am off to a great start!!


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