Monday, August 1, 2011


It is days like today that make me really wonder why I don't send in my letter of resignation to my school district immediately and stay home and play with Gus all day long.  Never in my life did I think that I would be cut out to be a stay at home mom.  Never did that thought even creep into my brain and certainly not a couple times in one day!  I think that some people have a certain calling in life and for some it is to stay at home.  For others it is to balance motherhood, marriage and a career like some kind of crazy person.  When I really stop to think about it, yes, being a SAHM would be awesome!!  Financially right now, not really a possiblity.  But at the same time, I really feel that I function better as a crazy person.  (Please no comments on the "crazy person".....we all know that I am crazy!)

Gus is growing up SO quickly.  Today he looked like such a little man.  I gave him a little bowl of cereal today and he carefully carried it over to the table.  Walking slowly and holding onto the bowl so tightly.  It was dry cereal so it wouldn't have been a big deal if it spilled.  But I loved watching him gingerly walk away with it.  At another point, he was looking for his "makas" (markers) to "cudda" (color) this morning.  I told him that there were some in his diaper bag.  His diaper bag was sitting next to my sample kit of Thirty-One bags.  Poor kid was a little overwhelmed but it was cute to see him pull every bag out of my kit, look at it and say "nope" as he looked for his markers.  I helped him find the right bag and then he turned around and helped me pack my samples back up.  Such a big boy!

Gus is also going through a "momma" stage.  For many, they wouldn't think that this is weird.  I think it is weird.  For the past two years, Gus has been such a DaDoh's boy.  He would always ask for Joel and wanted to be with him ALL the time.  This used to bother me.  What kid doesn't like being with their mom?  But this summer, the roles have been reversed.  I have a very clingy two year old who loves to sit with me and cuddle with me.  I am LOVING this!!  I could spend all day, every day sitting and playing with him!!  But is August which means that we are easing our way back into SCHOOL!  Our "mandatory shut down", some call it summer vacation, is coming to a slow end.  Gus and I will spend a couple hours a day up at school getting my classroom and office ready for the fall.  And as sad as I will be not to spend all day, every day with him this fall, I will be going back to work....sigh....
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