Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joel's first appointment

We had another doctor's appointment today with J. This was Joel's first time going to "Spike's" doctor's appointment. Joel got to meet J's mom and stepdad and he got to see Spike on the ultrasound!

I am so glad that Joel got to go to the appointment today not only so that he was there for the ultrasound but so that he could also meet the super suave doctor! We are both quite impressed by this guy.

J is now in her 7th month. Although the time seems to creep by, we are getting closer to June!! We are working to organize our home a little bit more so that we will at least have that ready for when Spike comes home.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One month closer...

I can't believe that it has been a month since we found out that we were going to be parents. "J" is now 24 weeks along. I went to her doctor's appointment this week. Not only did I get to hear the heartbeat but I also got to see the baby on the ultra sound machine! It just so happened that they didn't have a different room for us to be in so they used the ultra sound room. When he found the heart beat, he used the ultra sound machine. I got to see "Spike"!! How awesome!! (And no, Spike is not the name. It is just what we are calling him before we meet him.)

We are slowly starting to get Spike's room ready. Earlier this year, we painted the room so that we would be ready when we needed it. I made some room in my closet so that Joel could put his clothes back in there with mine. (Up until now, he used the spare room closet.) We put in closet organizers and put in all of the items/clothes that we already have. Between things that I bought, my mom bought and hand-me-downs, I think that the kid will be good on clothes for quite a while!! We also purchased the dresser for the room. I was lucky to find great deals in Art Van's clearance center. My parents bought the crib for us, but it is currently sitting at their house. We plan to bring it over as we get closer to June.

Next up....parenting class and baby CPR class!! Yippee!!!

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