Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurry Up and Wait...

I am so excited that we are FINALLY a "waiting family" with Bethany Christian Services for the second time.  What does it mean to be a "waiting family"?

  • It means that we have finally finished the roller coaster of a ride we were on with this home study process for #2.
  • It means that we were approved and accepted by Bethany Christian Services.
  • It means that we are officially on the list of waiting families on Bethany's website.  You can check it out!!  This is one opportunity for birthparents to check out the waiting families.  (And of course we hope that they see ours and say, "Hey!  We like those crazy people!!")
  • It means that I say extra prayers every day for a woman out there who is or will be carrying my baby and who will give me one of the greatest gifts in this world.
  • It means that I will have to be patient.  Patience is not one of my strengths.
  • It means that I will have some frustrating days when I lose my patience.  
  • It means that I will be praying constantly for the little one who will join our family.
  • It means that I will begin a very long nesting process. I was a Girl Scout....I was taught to always be prepared.
  • It means that I will jump every time my phone rings and it is from the 248 area code or if it pops up as Bethany Christian Services, Dawn or Faith (our social workers).
  • It means that I will drive Joel crazy as we try to discuss baby names....just so that we are prepared.
  • It means that I will start a journal for this baby that I will keep for him/her.
  • It means that I will answer a lot of questions about our adoption journey. The most popular, "how is the second adoption process going?"  My response is usually something like, "it's going."
  • It means that someday soon, I will get one of the most amazing phone calls telling me that someone chose US!  
  • It means that I will get to turn to my hubby and share the most exciting news!
  • It means that I will be sick to my stomach until I meet the birthparents.  And then I will remain a bundle of nerves until that baby is in my arms.
  • It means that I am preparing myself for the harsh reality of the "risk period" in which the birthparents can change their mind.
  • It means that we will wait for months until Baby Stape #2 legally becomes a Stapleton.
  • It means that I will be even more of an emotional wreck than normal.
But most of all.....it means that I AM GONNA BE A MOMMA AGAIN!!!  I am so excited to hurry up and wait so that I can be ready to meet the next little one that will capture my heart!  I can't wait!!  Stay tuned for more details about our journey!!

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