Saturday, August 1, 2009

Time flies...

Ugg!!! How can it possibly be August already? Didn't school just get out? Wasn't it just June? Where did July go?? I know that August will fly by, but at least we don't have to go back to school until September this year. Kind of nice!

I also can't believe that Gus is already 6 weeks old!! That is crazy to me! He is getting a lot chunkier and is paying more attention to us. Joel and I keep hoping that he cracks a real smile one of these days...I will happen before we know it!!

Yesterday, my friends, Amy and Kathy, threw a beautiful shower for Gus. There were a bunch of people there from work, some from my grad class and a few other friends that I have in the area. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such supportive and generous people. Gus came home with lots of goodies. He is such a lucky boy! On top of all of that excitement, Papa and Gramma came over for the day, too!! So all around, it was a day of spoiling Gus. My mom and I even got to sneak out to do a little shopping. We went to buy a shower gift for someone else, but you know that we came home with a few things for Gus, too.

This morning we went to Aunt Sarah and Uncle Jason's house. Sarah was having a portrait party. The same person who did Gus' newborn pictures did these, too. There were 7 families there to have pictures done. It was loads of fun. I did stoop to a new low. The photographer had this beautiful "tutu" skirt. Both Sarah and I wanted Hannah to wear it in a picture. Unfortunately she was being a little stubborn. I ended up offering a bribe to my four-year-old niece. I offered her $5...she said "more". The girl drives a hard bargin!! So I told her that I would get her $10 in "Disney dollars" for her next trip to Disney. Little did she know that I was already going to do that for their trip in November...oh well...I won the battle with the four-year-old. She ended up wearing the skirt in a picture with Gus and Brendan and then a few by herself. YES!!! I was so excited about it!!! Totally worth the bribe. (OH! And apparently she also didn't know that she was going to Disney in November...oops! Let the cat out of the bag on that one! Sorry, Sarah!!)

We are excited to check out a new church tomorrow morning. We need to get Gus' baptism planned. If we switch to this church, I would really like him to be baptized there. If not, we will stay at our current church for a little longer. I am hoping that St. Joe's (where we are going tomorrow) is as good as we have heard! I would really like to switch. We shall see!!

It is almost time for Gus to eat again and then after that it is his big boy bed!! his big boy bed is actually his crib. He did pretty good in it most of last night. We are hoping that he will be in it all of tonight! One can hope right??

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