Monday, January 12, 2009


We have been overwhelmed by the amount of support that we have been given by family and friends since we announced that we had applied for adoption. We decided to start this blog as a way to keep people updated throughout the adoption process and one day about the new "little Stape".

We began the process of adoption in November 2007 by contacting Bethany Christian Services. We attended an information meeting and began the long paperwork process. We couldn't believe how long the process was just to fill out paperwork and get everything in order before we could even turn in our application. In May of 2008 we were finally able to turn in our complete application to BCS.

In July, we began the homestudy process with our social worker, Carolyn. She came to our home for our first meeting where she was able to get to know us and check out our home. A couple of weeks later, we each had to meet with Carolyn individually before she could complete the homestudy report. Throughout this process we had to write a letter to birthparents looking for adoptive parents for their child and create a scrapbook that captured who we are. Finally in October, we were approved for adoption!

At this point we are on a list with Bethany Christian Services. You can find our profile on their website The adoption process has changed over the years where it is no longer a list where they keep crossing off names. These days, the birthparents get to choose the adoptive parents for their baby. So until we get a phone call telling us that some birthparents picked us, we continue to wait patiently with prayers and crossed fingers.

Any updates that we have, we will post for all of our family and friends. Thanks again for all of your love and support!


  1. Hey there! I think I am leaving your first ever comment! Welcome to the blogging world.

  2. Hi Beth! Congratulations on the adoption! My brother and sister-in-law are in the home stretch for adopting a little girl from China. I love blogs so I'll probably stop by from time to time to see how it's going!

    Katie Terpstra

  3. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you (we!) eagerly await a little one(s)... It is hard to be patient, but remember that God answers all prayers in His time and way and not necessarily ours (ie Flat Rock, Arkansas!)...You are wonderful people and I have no doubt that you will be terrific parents! love and hugs, Momma :)

  4. I think this blog is a great idea to keep your friends and family posted!

    Love you guys! :)

  5. Hey Beth, It has been soo long! I am so excited for you and your hubby. I am excited to see you join the blog world. It is a great way to stay connected to everyone.

  6. how can I be a gram if I can't figure out all this blog stuff???

  7. Yay, A blog!! Great idea!! What an exciting journey for you guys. I know it can be hard to be patient but it will all be worth the wait. God has a plan for us and sometimes it's hard to see what that plan is but it will all work out when the time is right. Love you guys!!!


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